
Showing posts from January, 2016

Dell OMSA Installation on Windows Server Core

Dell has been very popular over the last few years regarding servers and now storages (after EMC take over) so I'm sure that many of you will have to install Dell OpenManage System Administrator (OMSA) on your systems. I recently had to install it on a Core installation of Windows Server 2012 R2. Although I'll describe the process, there's a small detail that you'll have to remember if you do not want to waste an hour like me. So, first things first, you have to check if the WOW feature is installed on the server. You can use powershell to do this using the Get-WindowsFeature -Name *wow* command. If it is not installed you can install it using Powershell Add-WindowsFeature or the following command: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:ServerCore-WOW64 After downloading the appropriate OMSA installation file for your server version to your server (I usually create a folder named "Dell" in C:), you have to run the executable to extract the files. ...

MySQL Export Table to CSV

I was recently assigned the task to export a MySQL table to a file in CSV format, so I was time to brush my Linux and MySQL skills.. After a little research I managed to get things done using the following command: mysql -uroot -ptoor -e "SELECT * from tablename" databasename | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/' > filename.csv I am using the mysql tool to connect to the database "databasename" using root as username and toor as password. Pay attention here, the root is the MySQL root user, not the OS user! After executing the query to get all the records from the table "tablename" I pipe the output to the sed utility to add the delimiters. In the last step, the output is redirected to the file we want to contain the table.

VMware Import Error

I exported a VM from an ESXi host yesterday and I tried to import it to a cluster but I got the following error: "OVF Deployment Failed: File ds:///vmfs/volumes/ uuid /_deviceImage-0.iso was not found" This happened because I had connected an .iso file to the CD/DVD device and that file was not available on the destination host. To overcome this issue you may edit the .ovf file created by the export process and replace the "vmware.cdrom.iso" to "vmware.cdrom.remotepassthrough" option. The tricky part now, when you edit the file, the checksum of the file is changed so you have to update it on the .mf file created also be the export process. Get the file's SHA1 checksum using your favourite tool and set it in the .mf file. Then, you're good to go, you should be able to import the VM without any problems. As a final note, I would suggest you made backup copies of the two files above in order to avoid exporting the VM again. Documented o...