Monitoring Hosts and Domains for RBL Listing Using Azure - Part 3: Management
Following my last post about monitoring your domains and hosts for RBL listing, we are going to continue with the PowerShell module to manage the solution and a script to query the status of hosts and domains. Since the solution is accessible via HTTP, it couldn't be simpler to manage using PowerShell. But first, let's take a look at the files in the module. The module is comprised of three files, the module manifest (.psd1), the script file (.psm1), and a configuration file (.json). The manifest contains the module parameters and configuration, the script file the code of the functions, and the configuration file a couple of settings such as the URL of the function app and the key to use. We'll talk about key management later in this article. The module contains the following functions: List related Get-AzureRBLList Add-AzureRBLList Remove-AzureRBLList Host related Get-AzureRBLHost Add-AzureRBLHost Remove-AzureRBLHost Check-AzureRBLHost Domain related Get-AzureR...