Quering Active Directory using PowerShell
Active Directory query. Every Windows administrator has had the need to get a list of objects using some kind of criteria to create a report or update them in one batch. Fortunatelly, Microsoft provides a PowerShell module to interact with Active Directory as part of the RSAT tools and this module is installed by default on the Domain Controllers. The commands in this module interact with the Domain Controller using the Active Directory Web Services. But what if you are not logged on to a Domain Controller or you don't have RSAT installed? There is a way to query the Domain Controller and get the information you want, without the limitations of the Web Services and in a much faster way using .NET. First, we have to create a DirectorySearcher object and configure it's LDAP filter. Calling any of the find methods will return the results for the specified filter. On the following example, I'm using FindOne() to get my account. Keep in mind that you can configure t...