
Showing posts from December, 2021

Data Structures in Powershell

A good algorithm is not always the solution to a given problem. In most cases, a mechanism to save the data used by the algorithm is required, in order not only to organise the data but also optimise its execution. Such mechanisms are called Data Structures and you can think of them as small databases. Data Structures not only hold data, but also expose methods to access and update it. My DataStructures module contains the most frequently used data structures, implemented for Powershell objects in C#. At the time this post is written, the module contains the stack and queue structures, but more are on the way. Stack The idea behind the stack data structure is to save objects in order to be processed later in the execution of an algorithm. The below figure shows the way stacks work: As we insert items in the stack, the items already in it are pushed to the bottom. When removing an item, the item to be removed is the most recent one, hence the alternate naming LIFO - Last In First Out...

Solving Bin Packing with Powershell

Welcome to another post regarding optimization algorithms in Powershell. Today we're going to examine the Bin Packing problem and a way to solve it using Powershell. Bin Packing is the problem of separating a set of items into subsets, in a way that their size does not exceed a specific value and the number of sets is the minimum possible. As you can imagine, there are multiple applications of such an algorithm in everyday life, such as in logistics (e.g. containers on ships), storage, and even job scheduling. More information on the Bin Packing problem is also available on Wikipedia .   To make things easier for people not familiar with programming languages like C# and Python, I've decided to convert my C# code to a cmdlet that will access Powershell objects and will separate them into groups. The cmdlet is called Get-BinPacking and is available as part of my AdvancedAlgorithms module published on PowershellGallery here , starting from version There are two ways to...

Solving Knapsack with Powershell

One of the most common tasks when designing the migration from a Microsoft Exchange organisation to Exchange Online, is to separate the mailboxes into batches. I recently had to solve a quiz like that where I had to select the right mailboxes to migrate on each day, given the restriction imposed by the network bandwidth available. The way I finally approached it - and trigger for this post - was to apply the knapsack algorithm in order to make the best selection for each migration batch. There are of course many other parameters that you should take into account in cases like that, such as the role of the user and any permission delegations. A short description of the knapsack problem, for those that have not heard it before. We are given a collection of items that each one has a specific weight and value and a knapsack that has specific weight capacity. The goal is to identify the optimal selection of items to put in the knapsack that will not only keep its total weight under the maxi...