Office365 Account Password Never Expires

I have my second Office365 setup finished for a month or so and today my goal was to set the "password never expires" attribute on two of the cloud administrator accounts.

I use dirsync to synchronize the local AD with the Windows Azure AD so I've set up an administrator account for that perpose. Since I do not want to run the dirsync setup every three months I decided to set the password never to expire.

I also have a second global administrator cloud account in case there's something wrong with the sync.

In order to set the attributes on the cloud users you have to connect to the Online Directory Service.

Before you start you need to check the system requirements and install and import the necessary powershell module from

Then you just have to open powershell and run the following commands:

Connect-MSOLService -Credential $cred to connecto to the service and

Get-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName username@domain  | Set-MSOLUser –PasswordNeverExpires $true

to set the password attribute.

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