Google Earth 7.1 Group Policy Install

I was asked today to install Google Earth 7.1 on several computers.

Since I had deployed the previous version using GPO I though I would give it a try.

I downloaded the Google Earth custom installer (left Auto update unchecked) and started the installation.

The installer extracts all files in a directory in the %temp% folder so when the extraction is complete go and copy that folder to your desktop.

After that, start the administrative install with the command:
msiexec -a "Google Earth.msi"

When it asks you for a path, enter the network location where you want to have the installation files.

Now, when you try to add a package to your group policy object it may fail with an error like the following:
"Unable to extract deployment information from the package. Run validation on the package to ensure that the package is correct."

In that case fire up orca from the Microsoft Windows SDK, open the msi file on the network location and remove all language codes except 1033 that is for US English.

Save the file, close orca and it should allow you to create the package.

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