Additions to the CPolydorou.Security Powershell Module
This post has been triggered by a project that I'm currently working on that involves nginx and containers. As part of the nginx configuration, I had to create a certificate key pair that was going to be used in order to secure traffic towards nginx.
The challenge I faced was to convert the PFX certificate that was handed to me by the Certificate Authority team to the format nginx understood. Considering that this was a process that I'd followed many times in the past (and also blogged about), I decided to update a Powershell module of mine named CPolydorou.Security in order to make the use of OpenSSL friendlier to the Windows administrator.
The four new functions that are included in the latest version (1.2.0) are:
- Export-ServerCertificateFromPFX
- Export-CertificateChainFromPFX
- Export-PrivateKeyFromPFX
- Decrypt-PrivateKey
PS C:\Certificate> Export-ServerCertificateFromPFX -PFXFilePath .\certificate.pfx -PFXPassphrase $pass
PS C:\Certificate> Get-ChildItem
Directory: C:\Certificate
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 24/6/2021 3:29 μμ 6022 certificate.pfx
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:16 μμ 2264 certificate.pfx.crt
PS C:\Certificate> Export-CertificateChainFromPFX -PFXFilePath .\certificate.pfx -PFXPassphrase $pass -OpenSSLOutput:$true -Verbose
VERBOSE: Extracting certificate chain from PFX file: .\certificate.pfx
VERBOSE: Saving exported certificate at: C:\Certificate\certificate.pfx.chain.crt
StandardError ExitCode StandardOutput
------------- -------- --------------
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf... 0
PS C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Certificate> Get-ChildItem
Directory: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Certificate
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 24/6/2021 3:29 μμ 6022 certificate.pfx
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:24 μμ 2072 certificate.pfx.chain.crt
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:16 μμ 2264 certificate.pfx.crt
PS C:\Certificate> Export-PrivateKeyFromPFX -PFXFilePath .\certificate.pfx -PFXPassphrase $pass -KeyPassphrase $key
PS C:\Certificate> Get-ChildItem
Directory: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Certificate
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 24/6/2021 3:29 μμ 6022 certificate.pfx
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:24 μμ 2072 certificate.pfx.chain.crt
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:16 μμ 2264 certificate.pfx.crt
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:42 μμ 3604 certificate.pfx.key
PS C:\Certificate> Decrypt-PrivateKey -PrivateKeyFilePath .\certificate.pfx.key -PrivateKeyPassphrase $key
PS C:\Certificate> Get-ChildItem
Directory: C:\Certificate
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 24/6/2021 3:29 μμ 6022 certificate.pfx
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:24 μμ 2072 certificate.pfx.chain.crt
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:16 μμ 2264 certificate.pfx.crt
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:42 μμ 3604 certificate.pfx.key
-a---- 29/6/2021 7:48 μμ 3247 certificate.pfx.key.plainkey
PS C:\Certificate> Get-Content .\certificate.pfx.crt
Bag Attributes 00
localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 43 00 61 00 74 00 65 00 6E 00 61 00 45 00 78 00 70 00 6F
friendlyName: Test Certificate
1 | Install-Module -Name CPolydorou.Security -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser |
I've also written a blog post on how to convert certificates in the past, that is available here.