How to publish multiple WSS 3 sites using ISA 2006

Microsoft IIS allows you to publish multiple sites on the same port (usually 80) using host headers. You can have many different Windows SharePoint Apolications that listen on the same port by just changing the host header.

Usually after creating a website with a host header I create a DNS alias with the host header that points to the server that hosts the site.

With ISA 2006 you can publish the web application but if you try to publish it using https and the web server uses http you may run into some problems with the Alternate Access Mappings.

After you create the Web Listener on the ISA server and publish the web application you have to make sure that the publishing rule forwards the original host header and listens for the specific site.

You must also configure the bindings on the IIS and the AAM on the SharePoint site.
Go to AAM menu and configure the public URLs for each zone of each site. Most times I set up Default and Internet.
Add the correct address for each zone e.g. http://internalName for Default or Intranet and https://externalName for Internet. The DNS alias must match the internalName and the externalName must match the sitename for which the Web Listener is accepting connections.
After that you have to add the internal addresses for each zone of each site.
The format of the URLs has to be like the following:

Internal URL Zone External URL
http://internalName Default http://internalName
https://externalName Internet https://externalName
http://externalName Internet https://externalName

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