How to Setup Exchange Email Forwarding using Powershell

There have been many times when a request came in order to forward messages sent a mailbox to another mailbox or mailcontact. This mostly happens when there is an ongoing migration and the user has an account on the other organization that is part of the migration, or they just want their mail to be forwarded to another account in order for them to not have to check multiple mailboxes.

But let's cut to the chase! Every mailbox has two properties, ForwardingSMTPAddress and DeliverToMailboxandForward.

The ForwardingSMTPAddress is the address where the messages are going to be forwarded. The DeliveToMailboxandForward is the option to leave a copy of the message to the mailbox.

So, if you want to just forward the messages sent to user John Smith to, you should use:

Set-Mailbox -Identity "John Smith" `
      -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

Set-Mailbox -Identity "John Smith" `
     -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true `
      -ForwardingSMTPAddress ""

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